• The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
* KAPSEL FAQ [#yc68eff6]
* Read Me First [#yc68eff6]

- ''What is KAPSEL? What is GOURMET? What is OCTA?''&br;
KAPSEL is a software developed specially for simulating dynamics of solid particles dispersed in simple and complex fluids. It works as an add-on engine of [[OCTA:http://octa.jp/]] (an integrated simulation system for soft materials) which consists of the following softwares. &color(red){RED}; represents softwares required for using KAPSEL.
: OCTA Project:|
- ''KAPSEL'' is a software designed specially to simulate the dynamics of solid particles dispersed in simple and complex fluids using ''SPM'' (Smoothed Particle Method). KAPSEL is a stand-alone simulator but also works as an add-on engine of OCTA.

//- ''KAPSEL'' is not a well-prepared nor a complete software because of limited manpower of the development team. We welcome any feedbacks (questions, requests, bug reports, application reports, etc) and voluntary helps (bug fix, new functions, documents, etc) to improve KAPSEL. This is important to make KAPSEL more usable software. Visit [[KAPSEL-BBS:http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kapsel/phpBB3/]].&br;&br;

- ''SPM'' is an unique simulation method which enables us to perform direct numerical simulations (DNS) for several particulate fluids and colloidal dispersions. To compute the correct time evolutions of the dispersed particles
//, the solutions (ions), 
and the host fluid simultaneously, SPM provides an extremely efficient numerical scheme to solves the following coupled equations.
-- ''Newton's and Euler's equations of motion'' (translational and rotational motions of the dispersed particles)
-- ''Navier-Stokes equation'' (fluid flow)
-- ''advection-diffusion equation'' (densities of counter- and co-ions in cases of electrolyte solution)
: One can thus perform reliable simulations for particulate systems in which the hydrodynamic interactions (sedimentation, coagulation, rheology, etc) and the electro- hydrodynamic couplings (electrophoresis, electro-osmosis, etc) are important. See [[this paper:http://www.springerlink.com/content/p450786m816x6473/]] for details of SPM.|

- ''OCTA'' is an integrated simulation system for soft materials developed by ''Professor M. Doi'' and people in his group. It consists of the following items. 
The items required for using KAPSEL are indicated in &color(red){''RED''};.
: ''OCTA Project'': [ [[Homepage:http://octa.jp/]] ]|
-- Common Simulation Platform
--- &color(red){GOURMET}; (integrated GUI: UDF editor, 3D viewer, gnuplot, python, ...)
--- &color(red){libplatform}; (I/O interface library for UDF)
--- &color(red){''GOURMET''}; (integrated GUI: UDF editor, 3D viewer, gnuplot, python, ...)
--- &color(red){''libplatform''}; (I/O interface library for UDF)
-- Simulation Engines officially developed by OCTA team
--- COGNAC (general molecular dynamics simulation program)
--- PASTA (stochastic simulation program for entangled polymers)
--- SUSHI (self-consistent-field program for polymer blends)
--- MUFFIN (general solver for the continuum models)
: Bio-Rheo Project (post-OCTA):|
--- ''COGNAC'' (general molecular dynamics simulation program)
--- ''PASTA'' (stochastic simulation program for entangled polymers)
--- ''SUSHI'' (self-consistent-field program for polymer blends)
--- ''MUFFIN'' (general solver for the continuum models)
-- Common Data Format
--- &color(red){''UDF''}; (User Definable Format)
: ''Bio-Rheo Project'' (post-OCTA):|
-- Simulation Engines
--- DROPS (simulator for micro phase separation: micelles, block copolymers)
--- GELATO (bio-gel simulator)
--- MIKAN (simulator for particle dispersions)
--- MOCA (simulator for mechanics)
--- SRD (DNA Simulator by stochastic rotation dynamics)
--- VINE (bio-fluid simulator)
--- ''DROPS'' (simulator for micro phase separation: micelles, block copolymers)
--- ''GELATO'' (bio-gel simulator)
--- ''MIKAN'' (simulator for particle dispersions)
--- ''MOCA'' (simulator for mechanics)
--- ''SRD'' (DNA Simulator by stochastic rotation dynamics)
--- ''VINE'' (bio-fluid simulator)
-- Tools
--- STEAK (3D imaging tool)
: Third Party:|
--- ''STEAK'' (3D imaging tool)
: ''Third Party Contributions'':|
-- Simulation Engines
--- &color(red){KAPSEL}; (DNS-type simulator for colloidal dispersions and particulate fluids)
--- NAPLES (primitive chain network simulation program for entangled polymer)
--- &color(red){''KAPSEL''}; (DNS-type simulator for colloidal dispersions and particulate fluids)
--- ''NAPLES'' (primitive chain network simulation program for entangled polymer)
--- ...

- ''What is UDF''?&br;
UDF is a general file format used by simulation engines in OCTA. You can view, edit and analyze UDF file by using GOURMET, the user interface software included in OCTA. UDF is a plain text file, and consists of definition part and data part. In the definition part, you can define the data structure of your engine in a simple and natural way. The data in UDF can be easily accessed and modified by using UDF interface libraries for C/C++, Fortran and Python. KAPSEL uses UDF, and the detailed information on UDF for KAPSEL is [[here>UdfFile]].&br;

- ''How can I get KAPSEL?''&br;
Visit [[KAPSEL-BBS:http://www.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/1koza/kapsel/phpBB3]], and register your name and e-mail address there. Then, you will get an e-mail to activate your account. Once your account is activated, you can login to KAPSEL-BBS and download KAPSEL from there.&br;

- ''Where can I ask questions about KAPSEL?''&br;
Visit KAPSEL-BBS&br;

- ''Can I give my KAPSEL package to someone else?''&br;
Yes. But please tell them that they should register for a member of KAPSEL-BBS.&br;

- ''What kind of problems can I solve by KAPSEL?''&br;
Various problems of particle dispersions in general, including electrophoresis, sedimentation, coagulation, and rheology of particle dispersions.&br;

- ''What operating systems are supported by KAPSEL?''&br;
KAPSEL runs on Windows (XP, Vista) and major Linux distributions (CentOS, SuSe, Debian, etc...). It can run on Mac OS-X also, but it is not officially supported. &br;

- ''Who can use KAPSEL?''&br;
Anyone can use KAPSEL for their academic and industrial researches.&br;

- ''Is KAPSEL free?''&br;
Yes, but you should register your name and e-mail address at KAPSEL-BBS and keep the "&ref(FrontPage/License.pdf,,License agreement of KAPSEL);".&br;

- ''How can I get any information about version-up (or bugs)?''&br;
Please visit [[KAPSEL HP>FrontPage]] and [[KAPSEL-BBS:http://www.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/1koza/kapsel/phpBB3]].&br;

- ''Can I use the results obtained by KAPSEL for scientific publications?''&br;
Yes. Please acknowledge that you used the KAPSEL software (http://www.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/1koza/kapsel/) in the publication.&br;

- ''Can I modify KAPSEL?''&br;
Yes, but if you want to distribute the modified version, you must report it to the [[KAPSEL development team>Contact]] beforehand.&br;

- ''How can I contribute to KAPSEL?''&br;
There are a number of ways that you can contribute to help make KAPSEL a better program. Perhaps the most important way to contribute is to write high-quality code for solving new problems, and to make your code freely available for others to use.
If you find KAPSEL useful, consider providing additional funding to continue its development. Even a modest amount of additional funding could make a significant difference in the amount of time that is available for development and support.
If you cannot provide funding or contribute code, you can still help make KAPSEL better and more reliable by reporting any bugs you find and by offering suggestions for ways to improve KAPSEL. Visit [[KAPSEL-BBS:http://www.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/1koza/kapsel/phpBB3/]] to leave your comments and opinions. 

- ''Can I commercialize KAPSEL?''&br;