Diffusion of colloidal particles

  • Simulation parameters
    • CFD Lattice: 128 x 128 x 128 mesh
    • Number of Particles: N = 500
    • Diameter of Particles: D = 8 mesh
    • Volume Fraction: Φ = 0.064
    • Temperature: kBT = 5
    • Number of Iteration Steps: 100,000

  • Related papers
    • Takuya Iwashita and Ryoichi Yamamoto, Short-time motion of Brownian particles in a shear flow, Phys. Rev. E, 79, 031401 (2009).
      (&ref(): File not found: "tmp_shear.udf" at page "Re03"; reproduces simulation results shown in Fig. 2 of this paper.)

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