History of KAPSEL †
- [2018/04/01]
KAPSEL-3.40 release.
- Performance improvements: implementation of FFTW and memory optimization around FFT.
- Policy change in handling periodic boundary conditions in input.udf and restart.udf.
- [2018/03/15]
KAPSEL-3.35 release.
- Bug fix around HDF5 file handling.
- [2018/03/06]
KAPSEL-3.34 release.
- Bug fix effective only when switch.INIT_distribution.type=user_specify
- [2018/02/09]
KAPSEL-3.33 release.
- Now compatible with OCTA8.3 with Python3.
- [2017/04/04]
KAPSEL-3.32 release.
- Enabled "continue" for simulations with rigid bodies.
- [2016/01/27]
KAPSEL-3.31 release.
- Bug fixes around angular motions of rigid bodies.
- [2015/11/09]
KAPSEL-3.30 release.
- Bug fixes around angular motions of rigid bodies.
- [2015/01/19]
KAPSEL-3.20 release.
- Bug fixes
- [2014/10/12]
KAPSEL-3.12 release.
- Paraview suport
- HDF-5 support
- Bug fixes (treatment of overlapping particles in the case of rigid bodies to avoid over counting)
- [2013/11/13]
KAPSEL-3.07 release.
- Bug fixes (around LE boundary condition, etc...).
- Examples and Makefile update.
- [2013/07/03]
KAPSEL-3.06 release.
- Bug fixes (around restart, etc...).
- define.udf update (v3.00,v3.01->v3.02)
- [2013/06/17]
KAPSEL-3.05 release.
- Bug fixes.
- [2013/06/15]
KAPSEL-3.04 release.
- Restoration of "Pin" function, which has been disabled at some point between v2.0 and v2.1.
- [2013/06/12]
KAPSEL-3.03 release.
- Bug fixes.
- Examples are now included in zip file. Bug fixes of examples which did not work properly (Very sorry for not fixing them so long).
- [2013/06/10]
KAPSEL-3.02 release.
- Consistency check for OCTA2013.
- [2013/06/01]
KAPSEL-3.01 release.
- Bug fixes.
- [2013/05/01]
KAPSEL-3.00 release.
- Implementation of rigid bodies (any shapes assembled by spherical particles) and squirmers (active swimming particles).
- Older versions of UDF(v2.0,v2.1) cannot be used as they are. Those must be converted to UDF(v3.0). You may find more detailed information in How to Simulate page.
- [30 Mar 2011]
KAPSEL-2.10 release.
- Implementation of Lees-Edwards periodic boundary condition for planer shear flow.
- Bug fixes.
- [30 Mar 2011]
KAPSEL-2.10 release.
- [19 Aug 2009]
KAPSEL-2.00 release.
- Thermal fluctuation to introduce Brown motion of dispersed particles.
- Steady and oscillatory shear flow using zigzag flow profile to be consistent with periodic boundary condition.
- Flexible chain.
- Pin function to fix any subset of particles.
- Linked cell for efficient calculation of pair interactions.
- Intel MKL and OpenMP to achieve higher performance on multi-core machines (Linux only).
- Bug fixes.
- [31 May 2006] KAPSEL-1.0 release.
History of define.udf †
- v3.4 [2018/04/01] define.udf (current)
- v3.3 [2018/02/13] define_3.3.udf
- v3.2 [2017/04/04] define_3.2.udf
- v3.13 [2015/01/19] define_3.13.udf
- v3.12 [2014/10/12] define_3.12.udf
- v3.02 [2013/07/01] define_3.02.udf
- v3.01 [2013/06/11] define_3.01.udf
- v3.00 [2013/01/13] define_3.00.udf
- v2.10 [2010/03/13] define_2.10.udf
- v2.00 [2009/08/13] define_2.00.udf
- v1.00 [2006/05/29] define_1.00.udf
Attach file: define.udf 996 download [Information] define_3.3.udf 926 download [Information] define_3.2.udf 930 download [Information] define_3.13.udf 977 download [Information] define_3.12.udf 985 download [Information] define_3.02.udf 948 download [Information] define_1.00.udf 997 download [Information] define_3.01.udf 1032 download [Information] define_3.00.udf 977 download [Information] define_2.10.udf 1035 download [Information] define_2.00.udf 990 download [Information]