* History of KAPSEL [#re62506b]

- [1* Aug 2009] KAPSEL-2 released. List of changes from the previous version.
-- Thermal fluctuation is implemented for particle's Brown motion.
-- Steady and oscillatory shear flow, which is compatible with periodic boundary condition, is implemented.
-- Addition to spherical particles, bead-spring chains are selectable.
-- Computational efficiency is much improved (by a factor of 2 or more comparing to KAPSEL-1).
-- Compatible with Intel C++ compiler. One can use MKL and OpenMP to get higher performance.
-- Bug fix.
-- The linked cell method is implemented for efficiently calculating particle interactions.
-- Many useful examples are available at KAPSEL Homepage.
-- Pre-built binary distributions are available at KAPSEL Homepage.

- [31 May 2006] KAPSEL released.
-- One can perform very reliable DNS simulations for electrophoresis of spherical particles.