* History of KAPSEL [#re62506b]

- ''KAPSEL-3''
-- [12 June 2013]
KAPSEL-3.03 released.
--- Bug fixed.
--- Examples are now included in zip file. Several examples are fixed because those did not work properly (Very sorry for not fixing them so long).
-- [10 June 2013]
KAPSEL-3.02 released.
--- Checked consistency with OCTA2013.
-- [01 June 2013]
KAPSEL-3.01 released.
--- Bug fixed around the Lees-Edwards sheared periodic boundary condition.
-- [01 May 2013]
KAPSEL-3.00 released.
--- newly implemented rigid bodies and squirmers.

- ''KAPSEL-2''
-- [30 Mar 2011]
KAPSEL-2.10 released.
--- Newly implemented the ''Lees-Edwards periodic boundary condition'' for planer shear flow.
--- Bug fixed.

-- [19 Aug 2009] 
KAPSEL-2.00 released. Changes from v1.0 are listed below.
--- ''Thermal fluctuation'' is implemented to include Brown motion of dispersed particles.
--- ''Steady and oscillatory shear flow'' is implemented. A zigzag flow profile is employed to be consistent with usual periodic boundary condition.
--- ''Flexible chain'' is now selectable.
--- Able to ''pin'' any subset of particles.
--- The ''linked cell'' is implemented for efficiently calculating pair interactions.
--- Compatible with ''Intel MKL'' and ''OpenMP'' to achieve higher performance on multi-core machines (Linux only).
--- Bug fixed.

- ''KAPSEL-1''

-- [31 May 2006]
KAPSEL-1.0 released.