• The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
* Welcome to KAPSEL Homepage [#n741182e]
: ''&counter;'' access since 10 Aug 2009, ''&online;'' online now|
* Welcome to KAPSEL-3 Homepage [#n741182e]
&color(white){___};''===== Open  Software for Direct Numerical Simulations of Particle Dispersions =====''&br;
[[&ref(single.jpg,,180x180);>Re01]]  [[&ref(helix.jpg,,180x180);>Re08]]  [[&ref(0082.jpg,,180x180);>Re10]]  [[&ref(pusher.jpg,,180x180);>Re09]]

&ref(single.jpg,,220x220);  &ref(shear_dc_s.jpg,,220x220);  &ref(gravity_all.jpg,,150x220);  
&color(white){______};''Rigid body (any shape)''
&color(white){____};''Falling object at high Re''
&color(white){___};''Active particle (squirmer)''

** NEWS [#cbd4c217]
- [2018/04/01] KAPSEL-3.40 release. Now it works fine with FFTW and OpenMP using GCC.
:See [[History>History]] for more detailed information.|

** What is KAPSEL? [#bf9cb83a]
- ''KAPSEL'' means ''K''yoto ''A''dvanced ''P''article ''S''imulator for ''El''ectro-hydrodynamics based on a direct numerical simulation method for colloidal dispersions called ''SPM'' (''S''moothed ''P''rofile ''M''ethod). KAPSEL is degined to simulate dynamics of solid particles dispersed in simple and complex fluids. KAPSEL enables us to simulate complecx rheological properties of colloidal dispersions, electrophoresis of charged colloids, etc.
- ''KAPSEL'' means "''K''yoto ''A''dvanced ''P''article ''S''imulator for ''El''ectro-hydrodynamics" based on a direct numerical simulation method for colloidal dispersions called ''SPM'' (''S''moothed ''P''rofile ''M''ethod). KAPSEL is designed to simulate dynamics of solid particles dispersed in simple and complex fluids. KAPSEL enables us to simulate complex rheological properties of colloidal dispersions, electrophoresis of charged colloids, etc.

- ''KAPSEL-2'' is the latest version of KAPSEL. It enables us to introduce thermal fluctuations to the system and also to perform rheology simulations under steady or oscillatory shear flow being compatible fully with periodic boundary conditions. Computational  efficiency is much improved from the original KAPSEL so that one can perform larger scale simulations.&br;
//- ''KAPSEL-3'' is the latest version of KAPSEL. It enables DNS simulations of rigid bodies composed of spherical particles and also self-propelled swimmers (squirmers).

- ''KAPSEL'' is a software free to use. To download and use KAPSEL, one must register for a member of [[KAPSEL-BBS:http://www.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/1koza/kapsel/phpBB3/]] and read the "&ref(License.pdf,,License agreement of KAPSEL);".
//- ''KAPSEL-2'' introduced thermal fluctuations to the system and also perform rheology simulations under steady or oscillatory shear flow being fully compatible with usual periodic boundary condition. Computational  efficiency is also much improved from the original version so that one can simulate larger systems.&br;

** NEWS [#cbd4c217]
- ''KAPSEL'' is a software free to use. To download and use KAPSEL, one must agree with the "&ref(License.pdf,,License agreement of KAPSEL);".

- ''KAPSEL-2''
-- [1* Aug 2009]
KAPSEL-2 released.
- ''KAPSEL'' uses an integrated GUI called ''GOURMET'' which provides with UDF editor (see below), 3D viewer, gnuplot, python programing environment, etc...

-- [10 Aug 2009]
[[KAPSEL Homepage>FrontPage]] renewal open.

- ''KAPSEL''
-- [19 Jan 2007]
[[English manual (for KAPSEL version 1):http://www.kona.or.jp/search/24_167.pdf]] published on-line.
** Contact [#h6375f73]

-- [31 May 2006]
KAPSEL released.
- KAPSEL Development Team: kapsel.dev@gmail.com

** Related Papers [#e8445791]

- Simulation method & algorithm
-- Yasuya Nakayama, Kang Kim and Ryoichi Yamamoto, ''Simulating (electro) hydrodynamic effects in colloidal dispersions: smoothed profile method'',
[[Eur. Phys. J. E, 26, 361-368 (2008):http://www.springerlink.com/content/p450786m816x6473/]]. 

-- T. Iwashita, Y. Nakayama, and R. Yamamoto, ''A numerical model for Brownian particles fluctuating in incompressible fluids'',
[[J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 77, 074007, (2008):http://jpsj.ipap.jp/link?JPSJ/77/074007/]]. 

-- X. Luoa, M. R. Maxeya, and G. E. Karniadakis, ''Smoothed Profile Method for Particulate Flows: Error Analysis and Simulations'',
[[Journal of Computational Physics, 228, 1750-1769 (2009):http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2008.11.006]].

- Diffusion in incompressible fluid
-- T. Iwashita and R. Yamamoto, ''Short-time motion of Brownian particles in a shear flow'', [[Phys. Rev. E, 79, 031401 (2009):http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.79.031401]].

- Electrophoresis
-- K. Kim, Y. Nakayama, and R. Yamamoto, ''Direct Numerical Simulations of Electrophoresis of Charged Colloids'',
[[Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 208306 (2006):http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e208302]].

- Colloids in Liquid Crystal
-- R. Yamamoto, ''Simulating particle dispersions in nematic liquid-crystal solvents'',
[[Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 075502 (2001):http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.075502]].
