• The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
* How to Develop KAPSEL [#x0a1d9ed]

** File List [#cc973095]
** Online technical documentation for code developers[#j693a2a3]

| ''alloc.c''|			Memory allocation routines|
| ''alloc.h''|	Memory allocation routines (header file)|
| ''avs_output.cxx''|	Output routines for field data in AVS/Express format|
| ''avs_output.h''|	Output routines for field data in AVS/Express format (header file)|
| ''avs_output_p.cxx''|	Output routines for particle data in AVS/Express format|
| ''avs_output_p.h''|	Output routines for particle data in AVS/Express format (header file)|
| ''f_particle.cxx''|	Compute Hydrodynamic force on particle|
| ''f_particle.h''|	Compute Hydrodynamic force on particle (header file)|
| ''fft_wrapper.cxx''|	FFT wrapper routines for reciprocal space calculations|
| ''fft_wrapper.h''|	FFT wrapper routines for reciprocal space calculations (header file)|
| ''fftsg.c''|	Ooura's 1D FFT routines|
| ''fftsg3d.c''|	Ooura's 3D FFT routines|
| ''fluct.cxx''|	Routines to compute random thermal fluctuation forces|
| ''fluct.h''|	Routines to compute random thermal fluctuation forces (header file)|
| ''fluid_solver.cxx''|	Solver for Navier-Stokes equations|
| ''fluid_solver.h''|	Solver for Navier-Stokes equations (header file)|
| ''init_fluid.cxx''|	Initialize fluid velocity fields|
| ''init_fluid.h''|	Initialize fluid velocity fields (header file)|
| ''init_particle.cxx''|	Initialize particle properties|
| ''init_particle.h''|	Initialize particle properties (header file)|
| ''input.cxx''|	Read udf input file to start simulation|
| ''input.h''|	Read udf input file to start simulation (header file)|
| ''interaction.cxx''|	Compute inter-particle interactions|
| ''interaction.h''|	Compute inter-particle interactions (header file)|
| ''lad3.h''|	Basic Matrix / Vector Euclidean 3D routines (not very optimized)|
| ''macro.h''|	Global parameters and macro function definitions|
| ''make_phi.cxx''|	Routines to compute smooth profile and grid particle properties|
| ''make_phi.h''|	Routines to compute smooth profile and grid particle properties (header file)|
| ''Matrix_Inverse.h''|	|
| ''md_force.cxx''|	Routines to compute MD forces on particles|
| ''md_force.h''|	Routines to compute MD forces on particles (header file)|
| ''mt19937ar.c''|	Randon number generator - You get what you deserve if you modify this file !|
| ''operate_electrolyte.cxx''|	Routines to compute the charge distributions and forces|
| ''operate_electrolyte.h''|	Routines to compute the charge distributions and forces (header file)|
| ''operate_omega.cxx''|	High-level routines to handle basic operations on velocity field|
| ''operate_omega.h''|	High-level routines to handle basic operations on velocity field (header file)|
| ''operate_surface.cxx''|	Routines to control the slip velocity at particle fluid boundaries|
| ''operate_surface.h''|	Routines to control the slip velocity at particle fluid boundaries (header file)|
| ''parameter_define.h''|	Define global system parameters for FFT routines|
| ''particle_solver.cxx''|	Solver routines for particle position and velocity|
| ''particle_solver.h''|	Solver routines for particle position and velocity (header file)|
| ''profile.cxx''|	Smooth particle profile routines|
| ''profile.h''|	Smooth particle profile routines (header file)|
| ''quaternion.h''|	Implements simple quaternion algebra|
| ''resume.cxx''|	Routines to read/write restart file|
| ''resume.h''|	Routines to read/write restart file (header file)|
| ''rigid.h''|	|
| ''rigid_body.cxx''|	Auxiliary routines to solve equations of motion for rigid bodies|
| ''rigid_body.h''|	Auxiliary routines to solve equations of motion for rigid bodies (header file)|
| ''solute_rhs.cxx''|	Routines to compute the terms appearing in the right hand side of the solute advection diffusion equation|
| ''solute_rhs.h''|	Routines to compute the terms appearing in the right hand side of the solute advection diffusion equation (header file)|
| ''sp_3d_ns.cxx''|	Main program file|
| ''sp_3d_ns.h''|	Main program file (header)|
| ''variable.h''|	Defines the global structs (CTime, Particle, Index_range)|
|''Tools/helixudf_generator/''|A tool to generate initial configuration of helicesfor "input.udf"|
//- http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kapsel/Doxygen/html/

** DOXYGEN [#j693a2a3]
//|[[''Main page'':http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kapsel/Doxygen/html/index.html]]|To be updated|
//|[[''Related Pages'':http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kapsel/Doxygen/html/pages.html]]|To be updated|
|[[''Data Structures'':http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kapsel/Doxygen/html/annotated.html]]|List of important variables and detailed explanations of the data structures|
|[[''File List'':http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kapsel/Doxygen/html/files.html]]|List of souce files and detailed explanations of the all source codes including mutual dependencies of functions|

- Useful documentations (generated by Doxygen) are provided within the package. One can find and browse the following files. 
The above html files are generated by Doxygen, and the same documentation is included also in "Doxygen/html" folder of the installation package.

|''Doxygen/html/index.html''|To be updated|
|''Doxygen/html/pages.html''|To be updated|
|''Doxygen/html/annotated.html''|Detailed explanations of the data structures|
|''Doxygen/html/files.html''|Detailed explanations of the all source codes including the dependencies of the functions|


** GIT [#eeccce6b]
** GIT: A version control system [#eeccce6b]
- Bug fixes and new implementations between major updates are provided through Github. You may make a local clone of the newest KAPSEL package by

  > git clone git@github.com:kapsel-dns/kapsel.git my_local_kapsel


** Contact [#o3d3369d]
- KAPSEL Development Team: kapsel.dev@gmail.com

//** File List [#cc973095]
//| ''alloc.c''|			Memory allocation routines|
//| ''alloc.h''|	Memory allocation routines (header file)|
//| ''avs_output.cxx''|	Output routines for field data in AVS/Express format|
//| ''avs_output.h''|	Output routines for field data in AVS/Express format (header file)|
//| ''avs_output_p.cxx''|	Output routines for particle data in AVS/Express format|
//| ''avs_output_p.h''|	Output routines for particle data in AVS/Express format (header file)|
//| ''f_particle.cxx''|	Compute Hydrodynamic force on particle|
//| ''f_particle.h''|	Compute Hydrodynamic force on particle (header file)|
//| ''fft_wrapper.cxx''|	FFT wrapper routines for reciprocal space calculations|
//| ''fft_wrapper.h''|	FFT wrapper routines for reciprocal space calculations (header file)|
//| ''fftsg.c''|	Ooura's 1D FFT routines|
//| ''fftsg3d.c''|	Ooura's 3D FFT routines|
//| ''fluct.cxx''|	Routines to compute random thermal fluctuation forces|
//| ''fluct.h''|	Routines to compute random thermal fluctuation forces (header file)|
//| ''fluid_solver.cxx''|	Solver for Navier-Stokes equations|
//| ''fluid_solver.h''|	Solver for Navier-Stokes equations (header file)|
//| ''init_fluid.cxx''|	Initialize fluid velocity fields|
//| ''init_fluid.h''|	Initialize fluid velocity fields (header file)|
//| ''init_particle.cxx''|	Initialize particle properties|
//| ''init_particle.h''|	Initialize particle properties (header file)|
//| ''input.cxx''|	Read udf input file to start simulation|
//| ''input.h''|	Read udf input file to start simulation (header file)|
//| ''interaction.cxx''|	Compute inter-particle interactions|
//| ''interaction.h''|	Compute inter-particle interactions (header file)|
//| ''lad3.h''|	Basic Matrix / Vector Euclidean 3D routines (not very optimized)|
//| ''macro.h''|	Global parameters and macro function definitions|
//| ''make_phi.cxx''|	Routines to compute smooth profile and grid particle properties|
//| ''make_phi.h''|	Routines to compute smooth profile and grid particle properties (header file)|
//| ''Matrix_Inverse.h''|	|
//| ''md_force.cxx''|	Routines to compute MD forces on particles|
//| ''md_force.h''|	Routines to compute MD forces on particles (header file)|
//| ''mt19937ar.c''|	Randon number generator - You get what you deserve if you modify this file !|
//| ''operate_electrolyte.cxx''|	Routines to compute the charge distributions and forces|
//| ''operate_electrolyte.h''|	Routines to compute the charge distributions and forces (header file)|
//| ''operate_omega.cxx''|	High-level routines to handle basic operations on velocity field|
//| ''operate_omega.h''|	High-level routines to handle basic operations on velocity field (header file)|
//| ''operate_surface.cxx''|	Routines to control the slip velocity at particle fluid boundaries|
//| ''operate_surface.h''|	Routines to control the slip velocity at particle fluid boundaries (header file)|
//| ''parameter_define.h''|	Define global system parameters for FFT routines|
//| ''particle_solver.cxx''|	Solver routines for particle position and velocity|
//| ''particle_solver.h''|	Solver routines for particle position and velocity (header file)|
//| ''profile.cxx''|	Smooth particle profile routines|
//| ''profile.h''|	Smooth particle profile routines (header file)|
//| ''quaternion.h''|	Implements simple quaternion algebra|
//| ''resume.cxx''|	Routines to read/write restart file|
//| ''resume.h''|	Routines to read/write restart file (header file)|
//| ''rigid.h''|	|
//| ''rigid_body.cxx''|	Auxiliary routines to solve equations of motion for rigid bodies|
//| ''rigid_body.h''|	Auxiliary routines to solve equations of motion for rigid bodies (header file)|
//| ''solute_rhs.cxx''|	Routines to compute the terms appearing in the right hand side of the solute advection diffusion equation|
//| ''solute_rhs.h''|	Routines to compute the terms appearing in the right hand side of the solute advection diffusion equation (header file)|
//| ''sp_3d_ns.cxx''|	Main program file|
//| ''sp_3d_ns.h''|	Main program file (header)|
//| ''variable.h''|	Defines the global structs (CTime, Particle, Index_range)|
//| ''Tools/udf2xyz.cxx''||
//| ''Tools/helixudf_generator/''|A tool to generate initial configuration of helicesfor "input.udf"|