* KAPSEL Development Team [#vb0f42e1]

** Current members [#f37d16de]
- ''Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto''
(Kyoto University, [[HP:http://www-tph.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index.php?en%2FFrontPage]])

- ''Dr. John Molina'' (Kyoto University)

- Mr. Adnan Hamid (Kyoto University)

- Mr. Shih Chun-Yu (Kyoto University)

** Former members [#bb160651]

- Dr. Rei Tatsumi
(Post-Doc Research Fellow at University of Tokyo, Japan)

- Dr. Hideki Kobayashi
(Post-Doc Research Fellow at Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany)

- Dr. Takuya Iwashita
(Post-Doc Research Fellow at University of Tennessee, USA)

- Dr. Kang Kim
(Associate Professor at Niigata University, Japan)

- Dr. Yasuya Nakayama
(Assistant Professor at Kyushu University, Japan)

** Financial Supports [#h8f0eb4f]

- [2011-2013] ''KAKENHI/JSPS''
- [2006-2011] ''CREST/JST'', Research area "[[High Performance Computing for Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Phenomena:http://www.jst.go.jp/kisoken/crest/en/category/area04-6.html]]"
- [2002-2005] ''PRESTO/JST'', Research area "[[The Innovation of Simulation Technology and the Construction of Foundations for Its Practical Use:http://www.jst.go.jp/kisoken/crest/en/category/area04-8.html]]"