KAPSEL is a command line program which can be started as the following example.
Start test run using a sample input UDF "colloid_1.udf", with which one can simulate electrophoresis of a single charged particle in electrolyte solution.
Linux version of GOURMET may not be installed properly. If this happens, install Windows version of KAPSEL and GOURMET (recommended). If you want to use KAPSEL on Linux, edit input UDF using GOURMET on Windows. Then copy it to Linux and run KAPSEL there (this is what we do).
GOURMET is a graphic platform developed by OCTA project. The complete OCTA package is not necessary, but GOURMET is needed to use KAPSEL.
Visit OCTA-BBS and Login. Registration is required if you haven't yet completed it.
For Linux
Follow "DOWNLOAD" -> "OCTA2007" -> "GOURMET 4.1.0 (on OCTA2007) for Windows and Linux".
download "gourmet_2007_linux.tar.gz"
> tar zxvf gourmet_2007_linux.tar.gz
> su
> mkdir /usr/local/OCTA2007
> mv GOURMET_2007 /usr/local/OCTA2007/.
> setenv PF_FILES /usr/local/OCTA2007/GOURMET_2007
> sh /usr/local/OCTA2007/GOURMET_2007/bin/gourmet.sh