Step-by-step instructions to use KAPSEL

STEP 0: Linux or Windows?

  • If you want to use KAPSEL on Linux (recommended), goto STEP 1.
  • If you want to use KAPSEL on Windows, install "Cygwin" first, then goto STEP 1. Be sure to install "gcc" and "make" packages.
  • KAPSEL can be used on Mac OS X, but it is not supported.

STEP 1: Download and install "Gourmet"

  • "Gourmet" is a graphic platform developed by OCTA project. The entire OCTA package is not necessarily. Only Gourmet is required to use KAPSEL.
  • Goto OCTA-BBS and register to get your ID.
  • Follow "DOWNLOAD" -> "OCTA2007" -> "Platform GOURMET2007 in OCTA2007 (for Windows)" or "GOURMET 4.1.0 (on OCTA2007) for Windows and Linux" to download "Gourmet" package.
  • Follow the instruction there to install "Gourmet".

STEP 2: Build "libplatform"

  • "libplatform" is an I/O library developed by OCTA project. One needs this to access to UDF-formatted files.
  • Instruction for Linux:
   > su
   > cd /usr/local/OCTA2007/GOURMET_2007
   > tar xvfpz gourmet*_src.tar.gz
   > cd src
   > make
   > make install
  • Instruction for Windows: (Logon Windows with an administrator authorization and open Cygwin window.)
   $ ln -s /cygdrive/c/OCTA2007/ /usr/local/.
   $ cd /usr/local/OCTA2007/GOURMET_2007
   $ unzip
   $ cd src
   $ make
   $ make install

STEP 3: Download "KAPSEL"

  • Follow "DOWNLOAD" -> "KAPSEL-2" -> "KAPSEL-2" to download "kapsel.tar.gz".
  • Download "fileMakefile" and overwrite an existing file included in the "kapsel.tar.gz"

STEP 4: Build "KAPSEL"

   > echo $PF_FILES (Set "PF_FILES" properly, if it has not done yet.) 
   > tar xvfpz kapsel.tar.gz
   > cd kapsel
   > make


  • Download "&ref(): File not found: "define.udf" at page "Install";" and "&ref(): File not found: "sample1.udf" at page "Install";", and type the following.
   > ./kapsel/kapsel -Isample1.udf -Ooutput.udf -Ddefine.udf -Rrestart.udf


  • Download an appropriate sample "****.udf" file from the examples.
  • Modify the sample "****.udf" file using "Gourmet" for your own purpose, and save it as "new_name.udf".
   > ./kapsel/kapsel -Inew_name.udf -Ooutput.udf -Ddefine.udf -Rrestart.udf
  • Start "Gourmet" and then read "output.udf". Use "" or "" to animate or to plot velocity data.