* UDF for KAPSEL (version 2.10) [#sbf148c5]
- UDF is a text file. One can browse and edit it using a ...
-- English: &ref(Tutorial/udf_spec_eng.pdf);
-- Japanese: &ref(Tutorial/UDF_Spec_jpn.pdf);
- In the case of UDF used for KAPSEL, one must first choo...
-- Navier_Stokes: (sedimentation, diffusion, coagulation)
-- Shear_Navier_Stokes: (rheology, chain in shear flow)
-- Shear_Navier_Stokes_Lees_Edwards: (rheology, chain in ...
-- Electrolyte: (electrophoresis)
** List of variables in UDF for KAPSEL (input.udf) [#y1d...
''constitutive_eq'': type: {Navier_Stokes, Shear_Navier_S...
- DX: &color(blue){Girid width (this is the unit of lengt...
- RHO: &color(blue){Density of fluid};
- ETA: &color(blue){Viscosity of fluid};
- kBT: &color(blue){Temperature of dispersion};
- alpha_v: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating f...
- alpha_o: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating t...
- DX: &color(blue){Girid width (this is the unit of len...
- RHO: &color(blue){Density of fluid};
- ETA: &color(blue){Viscosity of fluid};
- kBT: &color(blue){Temperature of dispersion};
- alpha_v: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating f...
- alpha_o: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating t...
- External_field: type: {DC, AC}: &color(blue){Steady s...
: DC|
-- shear_rate: &color(blue){Shear rate (DC)};
: AC|
-- shear_rate: &color(blue){Max shear rate (AC)};
-- Frequency: &color(blue){Alternating frequency of shea...
Shear_Navier_Stokes_Lees_Edwards&br;(This type implements...
- DX: &color(blue){Girid width (this is the unit of len...
- RHO: &color(blue){Density of fluid};
- ETA: &color(blue){Viscosity of fluid};
- kBT: &color(blue){Temperature of dispersion};
- alpha_v: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating f...
- alpha_o: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating t...
- External_field: type: {DC, AC}: &color(blue){Steady s...
: DC|
-- shear_rate: &color(blue){Shear rate (DC)};
: AC(unpopulated)|
-- shear_rate: &color(blue){Max shear rate (AC)};
-- Frequency: &color(blue){Alternating frequency of shea...
- DX: &color(blue){Girid width (this is the unit of len...
- RHO: &color(blue){Density of fluid};
- ETA: &color(blue){Viscosity of fluid};
- kBT: &color(blue){Temperature of dispersion};
- alpha_v: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating f...
- alpha_o: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating t...
- Dielectric_cst: &color(blue){Dielectric constant of fl...
- INIT_profile:
-- &color(blue){''Uniform:'' use uniform ionic densities ...
-- &color(blue){''Poisson_Boltzmann:'' use optimal ionic ...
- Add_salt: type: &color(blue){''salt:'' salt is added, ...
: salt|
-- Valency_positive_ion: &color(blue){Valency of positiv...
-- Valency_negative_ion: &color(blue){Valency of negativ...
-- Onsager_coeff_positive_ion: &color(blue){Onsager tran...
-- Onsager_coeff_negative_ion: &color(blue){Onsager tran...
-- Debye_length: &color(blue){Debye screening length Thi...
: saltfree|
-- Valency_counterion: &color(blue){Valency of counter i...
-- Onsager_coeff_counterion: &color(blue){{Onsager trans...
- Electric_field: type: &color(blue){''ON:'' apply exter...
-- ON: type: &color(blue){''DC:'' apply steady electric ...
:: DC|
--- Ex: &color(blue){Intensity of electric field in x-di...
--- Ey: &color(blue){Intensity of electric field in y-di...
--- Ez: &color(blue){Intensity of electric field in z-di...
:: AC|
--- Ex: &color(blue){Max intensity of electric field in ...
--- Ey: &color(blue){Max intensity of electric field in ...
--- Ez: &color(blue){Max intensity of electric field in ...
--- Frequency: &color(blue){Alternating frequency of osc...
''object_type'': type: {spherical_particle, chain}
- Particle_spec[]
-- Particle_spec[0]: &color(blue){(0 means the 1st compo...
--- Particle_number: &color(blue){Number of particles};
--- MASS_RATIO: &color(blue){Density of particle / densi...
--- Surface_charge: &color(blue){Valency of particles (t...
- Chain_spec[]
-- Chain_spec[0] &color(blue){(0 meand the 1st component)};
--- Beads_number: &color(blue){Number of beads in a sing...
--- Chain_number: &color(blue){Number of chains in a sim...
--- MASS_RATIO: &color(blue){Density of beads / density ...
--- Surface_charge: &color(blue){Valency of beads (total...
''A_XI'': &color(blue){Thickness of the particle-fluid b...
''A'': &color(blue){Radius pd particles or beads};
- G: &color(blue){Gravitational acceleration};
- G_direction: &color(blue){Select the direction in whic...
''EPSILON'': &color(blue){Energy unit of Lennard-Jones p...
''LJ_powers'': {12:6, 24:12, 36:18}: &color(blue){Set of...
Lennard-Jones potential};
- NPX: &color(blue){Defines the size of simulation box i...
- NPY: &color(blue){Defines the size of simulation box i...
- NPZ: &color(blue){Defines the size of simulation box i...
''time_increment'': type:
- &color(blue){''auto:'' set delta_t automatically};
- &color(blue){''manual:'' set delta_t manually};
- factor: &color(blue){Set delta_t = factor * min [ rho/...
- delta_t: &color(blue){Set delta_t manually};
-- &color(blue){''ON:'' solve rotational motion of partic...
-- &color(blue){''OFF:'' no rotational motion of particle...
- HYDRO_int: &color(blue){Set ''Correct'' (other options...
- Stokes: &color(blue){Set ''with advection'' (other opt...
- LJ_truncate:
-- &color(blue){''ON:'' LJ without attraction (WCA potent...
-- &color(blue){''OFF:'' LJ with attractive part};
-- &color(blue){''NONE:'' no pair potential at all};
- INIT_distribution: type:
-- &color(blue){''uniform_random:'' randomly generate ini...
-- &color(blue){''random_walk:'' add some deviations to a...
-- &color(blue){''FCC:'' place particles on FCC lattice};
-- &color(blue){''BCC:'' place particles on a BCC lattice};
-- &color(blue){''user_specify:'' Set initial particle po...
:: (If ''object_type'' = chain, all the above options are...
: random_walk|
-- iteration: &color(blue){Number of trial iteration to ...
: user_specify|
-- Particles[]
--- Particles[0]
::: (0 means properties of the 1st particle. If you want ...
- R
- x: x-component of initial particle position
- y: y-component of initial particle position
- z: z-component of initial particle position
- v
- x: x-component of initial particle velocity
- y: y-component of initial particle velocity
- z: z-component of initial particle velocity
-- x: {ON, OFF} &color(blue){Set ON to avoid the drift of...
-- y: {ON, OFF} &color(blue){Set ON to avoid the drift of...
-- z: {ON, OFF} &color(blue){Set ON to avoid the drift of...
: pin: type:|
-- &color(blue){''NO:'' do not pin any particles};
-- &color(blue){''YES:'' pin specified particles};
- pin[]
- pin[0]: Index of the 1st particle to be transitionall...
- pin_rot[]
- pin_rot[0]: Index of the 1st particle to be rotationa...
:: If you want to inclease/decrease the number of pined p...
''boundary_condition'': type: &color(blue){Set ''full_per...
- wall_velocity_x: &color(blue){Unused};
- wall_velocity_y: &color(blue){Unused};
- wall_velocity_z: &color(blue){Unused};
- GTS: &color(blue){Number of intervals between data sav...
- Num_snap: &color(blue){Number of data saving. Total nu...
- AVS: {ON, OFF} &color(blue){Set ''ON'' if AVS data is n...
: ON|
-- Out_dir: &color(blue){Name of subdirectory in which A...
-- Out_name: &color(blue){Set a name of AVS field data f...
-- File_Type: &color(blue){Select a file format of AVS d...
- UDF: &color(blue){Set ''ON''};
''E'': &color(blue){Unused};
''t'': &color(blue){Present time};
''Particles[]'' &color(blue){There is no data in this se...
- Particles[]
- R
- x: x-component of temporal particle position
- y: y-component of temporal particle position
- z: z-component of temporal particle position
- v
- x: x-component of temporal particle velosity
- y: y-component of temporal particle velosity
- z: z-component of temporal particle velosity
- Calculation: {NEW, CONTINUE}
-- &color(blue){''NEW:'' start a new simulation run};
-- &color(blue){''CONTINUE:'' restart continuing simulati...
* UDF for KAPSEL (version 2.10) [#sbf148c5]
- UDF is a text file. One can browse and edit it using a ...
-- English: &ref(Tutorial/udf_spec_eng.pdf);
-- Japanese: &ref(Tutorial/UDF_Spec_jpn.pdf);
- In the case of UDF used for KAPSEL, one must first choo...
-- Navier_Stokes: (sedimentation, diffusion, coagulation)
-- Shear_Navier_Stokes: (rheology, chain in shear flow)
-- Shear_Navier_Stokes_Lees_Edwards: (rheology, chain in ...
-- Electrolyte: (electrophoresis)
** List of variables in UDF for KAPSEL (input.udf) [#y1d...
''constitutive_eq'': type: {Navier_Stokes, Shear_Navier_S...
- DX: &color(blue){Girid width (this is the unit of lengt...
- RHO: &color(blue){Density of fluid};
- ETA: &color(blue){Viscosity of fluid};
- kBT: &color(blue){Temperature of dispersion};
- alpha_v: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating f...
- alpha_o: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating t...
- DX: &color(blue){Girid width (this is the unit of len...
- RHO: &color(blue){Density of fluid};
- ETA: &color(blue){Viscosity of fluid};
- kBT: &color(blue){Temperature of dispersion};
- alpha_v: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating f...
- alpha_o: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating t...
- External_field: type: {DC, AC}: &color(blue){Steady s...
: DC|
-- shear_rate: &color(blue){Shear rate (DC)};
: AC|
-- shear_rate: &color(blue){Max shear rate (AC)};
-- Frequency: &color(blue){Alternating frequency of shea...
Shear_Navier_Stokes_Lees_Edwards&br;(This type implements...
- DX: &color(blue){Girid width (this is the unit of len...
- RHO: &color(blue){Density of fluid};
- ETA: &color(blue){Viscosity of fluid};
- kBT: &color(blue){Temperature of dispersion};
- alpha_v: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating f...
- alpha_o: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating t...
- External_field: type: {DC, AC}: &color(blue){Steady s...
: DC|
-- shear_rate: &color(blue){Shear rate (DC)};
: AC(unpopulated)|
-- shear_rate: &color(blue){Max shear rate (AC)};
-- Frequency: &color(blue){Alternating frequency of shea...
- DX: &color(blue){Girid width (this is the unit of len...
- RHO: &color(blue){Density of fluid};
- ETA: &color(blue){Viscosity of fluid};
- kBT: &color(blue){Temperature of dispersion};
- alpha_v: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating f...
- alpha_o: &color(blue){Scaling factor for fluctuating t...
- Dielectric_cst: &color(blue){Dielectric constant of fl...
- INIT_profile:
-- &color(blue){''Uniform:'' use uniform ionic densities ...
-- &color(blue){''Poisson_Boltzmann:'' use optimal ionic ...
- Add_salt: type: &color(blue){''salt:'' salt is added, ...
: salt|
-- Valency_positive_ion: &color(blue){Valency of positiv...
-- Valency_negative_ion: &color(blue){Valency of negativ...
-- Onsager_coeff_positive_ion: &color(blue){Onsager tran...
-- Onsager_coeff_negative_ion: &color(blue){Onsager tran...
-- Debye_length: &color(blue){Debye screening length Thi...
: saltfree|
-- Valency_counterion: &color(blue){Valency of counter i...
-- Onsager_coeff_counterion: &color(blue){{Onsager trans...
- Electric_field: type: &color(blue){''ON:'' apply exter...
-- ON: type: &color(blue){''DC:'' apply steady electric ...
:: DC|
--- Ex: &color(blue){Intensity of electric field in x-di...
--- Ey: &color(blue){Intensity of electric field in y-di...
--- Ez: &color(blue){Intensity of electric field in z-di...
:: AC|
--- Ex: &color(blue){Max intensity of electric field in ...
--- Ey: &color(blue){Max intensity of electric field in ...
--- Ez: &color(blue){Max intensity of electric field in ...
--- Frequency: &color(blue){Alternating frequency of osc...
''object_type'': type: {spherical_particle, chain}
- Particle_spec[]
-- Particle_spec[0]: &color(blue){(0 means the 1st compo...
--- Particle_number: &color(blue){Number of particles};
--- MASS_RATIO: &color(blue){Density of particle / densi...
--- Surface_charge: &color(blue){Valency of particles (t...
- Chain_spec[]
-- Chain_spec[0] &color(blue){(0 meand the 1st component)};
--- Beads_number: &color(blue){Number of beads in a sing...
--- Chain_number: &color(blue){Number of chains in a sim...
--- MASS_RATIO: &color(blue){Density of beads / density ...
--- Surface_charge: &color(blue){Valency of beads (total...
''A_XI'': &color(blue){Thickness of the particle-fluid b...
''A'': &color(blue){Radius pd particles or beads};
- G: &color(blue){Gravitational acceleration};
- G_direction: &color(blue){Select the direction in whic...
''EPSILON'': &color(blue){Energy unit of Lennard-Jones p...
''LJ_powers'': {12:6, 24:12, 36:18}: &color(blue){Set of...
Lennard-Jones potential};
- NPX: &color(blue){Defines the size of simulation box i...
- NPY: &color(blue){Defines the size of simulation box i...
- NPZ: &color(blue){Defines the size of simulation box i...
''time_increment'': type:
- &color(blue){''auto:'' set delta_t automatically};
- &color(blue){''manual:'' set delta_t manually};
- factor: &color(blue){Set delta_t = factor * min [ rho/...
- delta_t: &color(blue){Set delta_t manually};
-- &color(blue){''ON:'' solve rotational motion of partic...
-- &color(blue){''OFF:'' no rotational motion of particle...
- HYDRO_int: &color(blue){Set ''Correct'' (other options...
- Stokes: &color(blue){Set ''with advection'' (other opt...
- LJ_truncate:
-- &color(blue){''ON:'' LJ without attraction (WCA potent...
-- &color(blue){''OFF:'' LJ with attractive part};
-- &color(blue){''NONE:'' no pair potential at all};
- INIT_distribution: type:
-- &color(blue){''uniform_random:'' randomly generate ini...
-- &color(blue){''random_walk:'' add some deviations to a...
-- &color(blue){''FCC:'' place particles on FCC lattice};
-- &color(blue){''BCC:'' place particles on a BCC lattice};
-- &color(blue){''user_specify:'' Set initial particle po...
:: (If ''object_type'' = chain, all the above options are...
: random_walk|
-- iteration: &color(blue){Number of trial iteration to ...
: user_specify|
-- Particles[]
--- Particles[0]
::: (0 means properties of the 1st particle. If you want ...
- R
- x: x-component of initial particle position
- y: y-component of initial particle position
- z: z-component of initial particle position
- v
- x: x-component of initial particle velocity
- y: y-component of initial particle velocity
- z: z-component of initial particle velocity
-- x: {ON, OFF} &color(blue){Set ON to avoid the drift of...
-- y: {ON, OFF} &color(blue){Set ON to avoid the drift of...
-- z: {ON, OFF} &color(blue){Set ON to avoid the drift of...
: pin: type:|
-- &color(blue){''NO:'' do not pin any particles};
-- &color(blue){''YES:'' pin specified particles};
- pin[]
- pin[0]: Index of the 1st particle to be transitionall...
- pin_rot[]
- pin_rot[0]: Index of the 1st particle to be rotationa...
:: If you want to inclease/decrease the number of pined p...
''boundary_condition'': type: &color(blue){Set ''full_per...
- wall_velocity_x: &color(blue){Unused};
- wall_velocity_y: &color(blue){Unused};
- wall_velocity_z: &color(blue){Unused};
- GTS: &color(blue){Number of intervals between data sav...
- Num_snap: &color(blue){Number of data saving. Total nu...
- AVS: {ON, OFF} &color(blue){Set ''ON'' if AVS data is n...
: ON|
-- Out_dir: &color(blue){Name of subdirectory in which A...
-- Out_name: &color(blue){Set a name of AVS field data f...
-- File_Type: &color(blue){Select a file format of AVS d...
- UDF: &color(blue){Set ''ON''};
''E'': &color(blue){Unused};
''t'': &color(blue){Present time};
''Particles[]'' &color(blue){There is no data in this se...
- Particles[]
- R
- x: x-component of temporal particle position
- y: y-component of temporal particle position
- z: z-component of temporal particle position
- v
- x: x-component of temporal particle velosity
- y: y-component of temporal particle velosity
- z: z-component of temporal particle velosity
- Calculation: {NEW, CONTINUE}
-- &color(blue){''NEW:'' start a new simulation run};
-- &color(blue){''CONTINUE:'' restart continuing simulati...