* Read Me First [#yc68eff6]
- ''KAPSEL'' is a software designed specially to simulate...
- ''KAPSEL'' is not a well-prepared nor a complete softwa...
- ''SPM'' is an unique simulation method which enables us...
-- ''Newton's and Euler's equations of motion'' (translat...
-- ''advection-diffusion equation'' (densities of counter...
-- ''Navier-Stokes equation'' (fluid flow)
: One can thus perform reliable simulations for particula...
- ''OCTA'' is an integrated simulation system for soft ma...
The items required for using KAPSEL are indicated in &col...
: ''OCTA Project'': [ [[Homepage:http://octa.jp/]] ]|
-- Common Simulation Platform
--- &color(red){''GOURMET''}; (integrated GUI: UDF editor...
--- &color(red){''libplatform''}; (I/O interface library ...
-- Simulation Engines officially developed by OCTA team
--- ''COGNAC'' (general molecular dynamics simulation pro...
--- ''PASTA'' (stochastic simulation program for entangle...
--- ''SUSHI'' (self-consistent-field program for polymer ...
--- ''MUFFIN'' (general solver for the continuum models)
-- Common Data Format
--- &color(red){''UDF''}; (User Definable Format)
: ''Bio-Rheo Project'' (post-OCTA):|
-- Simulation Engines
--- ''DROPS'' (simulator for micro phase separation: mice...
--- ''GELATO'' (bio-gel simulator)
--- ''MIKAN'' (simulator for particle dispersions)
--- ''MOCA'' (simulator for mechanics)
--- ''SRD'' (DNA Simulator by stochastic rotation dynamics)
--- ''VINE'' (bio-fluid simulator)
-- Tools
--- ''STEAK'' (3D imaging tool)
: ''Third Party'':|
-- Simulation Engines
--- &color(red){''KAPSEL''}; (DNS-type simulator for coll...
--- ''NAPLES'' (primitive chain network simulation progra...
--- ...
* Read Me First [#yc68eff6]
- ''KAPSEL'' is a software designed specially to simulate...
- ''KAPSEL'' is not a well-prepared nor a complete softwa...
- ''SPM'' is an unique simulation method which enables us...
-- ''Newton's and Euler's equations of motion'' (translat...
-- ''advection-diffusion equation'' (densities of counter...
-- ''Navier-Stokes equation'' (fluid flow)
: One can thus perform reliable simulations for particula...
- ''OCTA'' is an integrated simulation system for soft ma...
The items required for using KAPSEL are indicated in &col...
: ''OCTA Project'': [ [[Homepage:http://octa.jp/]] ]|
-- Common Simulation Platform
--- &color(red){''GOURMET''}; (integrated GUI: UDF editor...
--- &color(red){''libplatform''}; (I/O interface library ...
-- Simulation Engines officially developed by OCTA team
--- ''COGNAC'' (general molecular dynamics simulation pro...
--- ''PASTA'' (stochastic simulation program for entangle...
--- ''SUSHI'' (self-consistent-field program for polymer ...
--- ''MUFFIN'' (general solver for the continuum models)
-- Common Data Format
--- &color(red){''UDF''}; (User Definable Format)
: ''Bio-Rheo Project'' (post-OCTA):|
-- Simulation Engines
--- ''DROPS'' (simulator for micro phase separation: mice...
--- ''GELATO'' (bio-gel simulator)
--- ''MIKAN'' (simulator for particle dispersions)
--- ''MOCA'' (simulator for mechanics)
--- ''SRD'' (DNA Simulator by stochastic rotation dynamics)
--- ''VINE'' (bio-fluid simulator)
-- Tools
--- ''STEAK'' (3D imaging tool)
: ''Third Party'':|
-- Simulation Engines
--- &color(red){''KAPSEL''}; (DNS-type simulator for coll...
--- ''NAPLES'' (primitive chain network simulation progra...
--- ...