* Electrophoresis [#s81d07e7]
** Binary (+/-) charged colloidal particles in aqueous so...
- Simultaneous simulation of 5,000 positive colloids (''y...
:: ''Electric field --->''|
- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 256 x 256 x 256 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 10,000 (5,000(+) and 5,000(-))
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 6 mesh
-- Volume Fraction: Φ = 0.06...
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 40,000
-- Computation Time: 5 Days on Intel Core-i7-3.2GHz (with...
** Electrophoresis of a single colloidal particle [#nb4e8...
''Single particle simulations reproduce O'Brien-White the...
- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 64 x 64 x 64 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 1
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 10 mesh
-- Particles Reynolds No.: Re ~ 1
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 5,000
** Electrophoresis of 32 colloidal particles [#wa7c4151]
- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 64 x 64 x 64 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 32
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 10 mesh
-- Volume Fraction: Φ = 0.025
-- Particles Reynolds No.: Re ~ 1
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 5,000
** Electrophoresis of 32 positive and 32 negative colloid...
- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 64 x 64 x 64 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 64
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 10 mesh
-- Volume Fraction: Φ = 0.05
-- Particles Reynolds No.: Re ~ 1
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 5,000
- Files needed for reproducing these simulations
-- Input UDF file: &ref(colloid_1.udf); &ref(colloid_32.u...
-- Define UDF file: &ref(FrontPage/define_2.00.udf);
-- GOURMET: &ref(particleshow.py);
-- AVS/Express: &ref(avs_charge.v);&br;&br;
** Related papers [#uc05a640]
-- K. Kim, Y. Nakayama, R. Yamamoto, ''Direct Numerical S...
[[Physical Review Letters Vol.96, 208306 (2006):http://li...
--- &ref(sample1.udf); reproduces the second data from th...
( V = 0.1234 -> Em=3e*eta*V/2*epsilon*kBT*E=0.9255..)
--- &ref(sample2.udf); reproduces the third green data fr...
&ref(single.jpg,center); &ref(z100_32particles_random.jp...
Electrophoresis of small particles are of great importanc...
In this study, we examined the volume fraction dependency...
* Electrophoresis [#s81d07e7]
** Binary (+/-) charged colloidal particles in aqueous so...
- Simultaneous simulation of 5,000 positive colloids (''y...
:: ''Electric field --->''|
- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 256 x 256 x 256 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 10,000 (5,000(+) and 5,000(-))
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 6 mesh
-- Volume Fraction: Φ = 0.06...
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 40,000
-- Computation Time: 5 Days on Intel Core-i7-3.2GHz (with...
** Electrophoresis of a single colloidal particle [#nb4e8...
''Single particle simulations reproduce O'Brien-White the...
- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 64 x 64 x 64 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 1
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 10 mesh
-- Particles Reynolds No.: Re ~ 1
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 5,000
** Electrophoresis of 32 colloidal particles [#wa7c4151]
- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 64 x 64 x 64 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 32
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 10 mesh
-- Volume Fraction: Φ = 0.025
-- Particles Reynolds No.: Re ~ 1
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 5,000
** Electrophoresis of 32 positive and 32 negative colloid...
- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 64 x 64 x 64 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 64
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 10 mesh
-- Volume Fraction: Φ = 0.05
-- Particles Reynolds No.: Re ~ 1
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 5,000
- Files needed for reproducing these simulations
-- Input UDF file: &ref(colloid_1.udf); &ref(colloid_32.u...
-- Define UDF file: &ref(FrontPage/define_2.00.udf);
-- GOURMET: &ref(particleshow.py);
-- AVS/Express: &ref(avs_charge.v);&br;&br;
** Related papers [#uc05a640]
-- K. Kim, Y. Nakayama, R. Yamamoto, ''Direct Numerical S...
[[Physical Review Letters Vol.96, 208306 (2006):http://li...
--- &ref(sample1.udf); reproduces the second data from th...
( V = 0.1234 -> Em=3e*eta*V/2*epsilon*kBT*E=0.9255..)
--- &ref(sample2.udf); reproduces the third green data fr...
&ref(single.jpg,center); &ref(z100_32particles_random.jp...
Electrophoresis of small particles are of great importanc...
In this study, we examined the volume fraction dependency...