* A colloidal dispersion under steady (DC) zigzag shear flow. [#scf7bfe8]


- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 128 x 128 x 128 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 500
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 8 mesh
-- Volume Fraction: Φ = 0.064
-- Temperature: kBT = 1
-- Shear Rate: 0.01
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 20,000

- Data plot

    > gnuplot
    gnuplot> plot "out1" u 1:5 t "viscosity"


* A colloidal dispersion under oscillatory (AC) zigzag shear flow. [#l6655d17]


- Simulation parameters
-- CFD Lattice: 128 x 128 x 128 mesh
-- Number of Particles: N = 500
-- Diameter of Particles: D = 8 mesh
-- Volume Fraction: Φ = 0.064
-- Temperature: 0.01
-- Shear Rate: 0.01
-- Frequency: 0.05
-- Number of Iteration Steps: 5,000

- Data plot

    > gnuplot
    gnuplot> plot "out2" u 1:6 t "Shear stress", "out2" u 1:2 t "Shear rate"


- Files needed for reproducing this simulation
-- Input UDF file: &ref(shear_dc.udf); &ref(shear_ac.udf);
-- Define UDF file: &ref(FrontPage/define_2.00.udf);
-- Command  (Remove "./" if you use Windows command prompt. Replace ">&" with "2>" if you use sh, bash or Windows command prompt.)

    > mkdir ./avs_dc
    > mkdir ./avs_dc/avs
    > ./kapsel -Ishear_dc.udf -Ooutput.udf -Ddefine_2.00.udf -Rrestart.udf >& out2

-- Visualization
--- GOURMET: &ref(particleshow_velocity.py);
--- AVS/Express: &ref(shear_avs.v);


- Related Papers
-- Takuya Iwashita, Ryoichi Yamamoto, Direct numerical simulations for non-Newtonian rheology of concentrated particle dispersions, [[cond-mat arXiv:0905.0130:http://xxx.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/abs/0905.0130]]