• The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
* Installation of KAPSEL binary [#h03d9749]

** STEP 1: Download "KAPSEL" binary [#ja8071fa]

- Visit [[KAPSEL-BBS:http://www.cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp/1koza/kapsel/phpBB3/]] and Login. Registration is required if you haven't yet completed it.

- Follow "DOWNLOAD" -> "KAPSEL-2" -> "the latest version" to download appropriate binary package for your system.
-- "kapsel2_linux64.zip" (Linux on x86-64 machine) 
-- "kapsel2_win32.zip" (32-bit Windows Vista or XP)  &color(red){recommended!};

** STEP 2: Run KAPSEL [#l8a9ee25]

- KAPSEL is a command line program which can be started as the following example.

- Start test run using a sample input UDF "colloid_1.udf", with which one can simulate electrophoresis of a single charged particle in electrolyte solution.

- for Linux

    > unzip kapsel2_linux64.zip
    > ./kapsel -Icolloid_1.udf -Ooutput.udf -Ddefine_2.00.udf -Rrestart.udf

- for Windows
-- unzip "kapsel2_win32.zip"
-- open command prompt

    > kapsel -Icolloid_1.udf -Ooutput.udf -Ddefine_2.00.udf -Rrestart.udf

- If you see the output as shown below, KAPSEL has been successfully installed.

    #using colloid_1.udf as input
    #using output.udf as output
    #using define_2.00.udf as definition
    #using restart.udf as restart
    # Electrolyte eq. selected.

- If the program does not properly run or abnormally terminated, build KAPSEL from the source codes. ([[see this>Install]])

** STEP 3: Download and install GOURMET [#hdf41283]

- GOURMET is a graphic platform developed by OCTA project. The complete OCTA package is not necessary, but GOURMET is needed to use KAPSEL.

- Visit [[OCTA-BBS:http://octa001.muse.aist.go.jp/phpBB3/]] and Login. Registration is required if you haven't yet completed it.

- For Linux
-- Follow "DOWNLOAD" -> "OCTA2007" -> "GOURMET 4.1.0 (on OCTA2007) for Windows and Linux".
-- download "gourmet_2007_linux.tar.gz"

    > tar zxvf gourmet_2007_linux.tar.gz
    > su
    > mkdir /usr/local/OCTA2007
    > mv GOURMET_2007 /usr/local/OCTA2007/.
    > setenv PF_FILES /usr/local/OCTA2007/GOURMET_2007
    > sh /usr/local/OCTA2007/GOURMET_2007/bin/gourmet.sh

-- Linux version of GOURMET may not work properly on 64-bit Linux. 

     wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

:: If this happens, do the following, where $version$ is the update version of your JVM installed.|
--- Install 32bit JVM (not RPM) in (for example) /usr/local/OCTA2007/java
--- Edit goumet.sh file and change the command "java" to "/usr/local/OCTA2007/java/jre1.6.0_$version$/bin/java -d32

- For Windows
-- Follow "DOWNLOAD" -> "OCTA2007" -> "Platform GOURMET2007 in OCTA2007 (for Windows)".
-- download "GOURMET2007.exe" and click it.
-- "Start Menu" > "All Programs" > "OCTA2007" > "StartGourmet"

- See manuals for more detailed information on GOURMET
-- English: &ref(gourmetoperation_eng.pdf); &ref(gourmetprimer_eng.pdf);
-- English: &ref(GourmetOperation_eng.pdf); &ref(gourmetprimer_eng.pdf);
-- Japanese: &ref(GourmetOperation_jpn.pdf); &ref(GourmetPrimer_jpn.pdf);

** STEP 4: Visualize the result [#de6c8fcf]

- The above test run takes about an hour. Save &ref(output.udf); if you cannot wait until it terminates.

- Animation on GOURMET
-- Save &ref(particleshow.py); and &ref(show_field.py);.
-- Start GOURMET
-- "File" -> "Open" -> Open "output.udf".
-- Move down to "Python" panel, and click "Load"
-- Open "particleshow.py" (particle only) or "show_field.py" (particle with flow field, very slow!!).
-- Click "Run"
-- A new window will open, and click the playback button ">" there.

- Gnuplot on GOURMET
-- Save &ref(plot.py);.
-- Start GOURMET
-- "File" -> "Open" -> Open "output.udf".
-- Move down to "Python" panel, and click "Load"
-- Open "plot.py", and click "Run"
-- Move up "View" box, and check "Table"
-- Move down-left and select "Graph Sheet[]".
-- Move down to "Plot" panel, and type "plot "plot.dat" using 2:6 title 'vx0' with lines" in the command box.
-- Click "Plot", and you will see the time evoluation of Vx.

- Animation on AVS/Express (optional)
-- One can enjoy much advanced data-visualization with AVS/Express. A sample visualization network &ref(avs_charge.v); is attached.