How to install and use KAPSEL?

1. Download and install Gourmet, which is a graphic platform of the OCTA project. Only Gourmet is required to use KAPSEL, but you can install the whole OCTA program without any problems.

[OCTA2006 (for Linux, Mac, and Windows)]
Download appropriate packages or order CD-ROM from here. You may have to regist your information there.

2. Build libplatform, which is an file I/O library to use UDF format from C and Fortran. Replace the all strings "2006" in the instruction below with "200?", if you want to use older or newer versions of OCTA200?.

Instruction for Linux:
> su
> cd /usr/local/OCTA2006/GOURMET_2006
> tar xvfpz gourmet*_src.tar.gz
> cd src
> make
> make install

Instruction for Windows:
Install Cygwin. Be sure that "gcc" and "make" packeges are included. If you want use Mingw, include "gcc-mingw" as well (optional).
Open Cygwin window. You must logon Windows with an administrator authorization.
$ ln -s /cygdrive/c/OCTA2006/ /usr/local/.
$ cd /usr/local/OCTA2006/GOURMET_2006
$ cd src
$ make
$ make install

3. Registration is required to download KAPSEL. You must agree with the OCTA Free Software License [English, Japanese] to download and use KAPSEL.

4. Download all KAPSEL files. [A bug has been fixed. Replace "make_phi.cxx" with this. (19 Jan 2007)]

5. Read Japanese or English manual and install KAPSEL. Edit "Makefile" and replace the string"2005" with "200?" to be consistent with your installed version of OCTA200?. [Sorry, this is necessary. (17 April 2008)]

> echo $PF_FILES (Set "PF_FILES" properly, if it has not done yet.)
> tar xvfpz kapsel.tar.gz
> tar xvfpz samples.tar.gz
> cd kapsel
> make

Compilation on cygwin may be aborted. Then, please remove "-mno-cygwin" option from the Makefile, and then

> make clean
> make

6. Use sample UDF files to test KAPSEL.

> cd ..
> mkdir data
> mkdir data/avs
> ./kapsel/kapsel -Isample1.udf -Ooutput.udf -Ddefine.udf -Rrestart.udf

7. Start Gourmet and then read "output.udf". Use "" or "" to animate or to plot velocity data.

8. For your own simulations, open and modify "sample*.udf" using Gourmet and save it as "anyname_you_like.udf".

> ./kapsel/kapsel -Ianyname_you_like.udf -Ooutput.udf -Ddefine.udf -Rrestart.udf


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